My story so far...
I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks. I am all too familiar with getting stressed and overwhelmed which is certainly my normal state with 3 children.
As a child I was a classic high achiever. I put high expectations on myself, I lived for external validation, loved being praised for being a "good girl" and was totally unaware that I was striving to fit into society's snap shot of what a "happy" woman should be.
In my 20's I struggled with panic attacks and walked into a crystal shop for meditation classes. The owner was a famous NZ Psychic who mentored me and took me with her to Spiritual Shows to give psychic readings and stand on stage and give messages.
After having children I got "too busy" for spirituality. My dream of motherhood was a tough journey for me and I became an expert in "Mum Guilt" and people pleasing.
After getting extremely low I turned back to spirituality and my higher source for direction. I started giving Psychic Readings and making Guided Meditations again. I was led to become an Advanced Hypnosis Practitioner and to rely heavily on Affirmations. I use them to manifest so many amazing things in my career, my business, my family life, my finances and so much more.
I can now see the silver lining in my tough times. I was forced to become a Leading Light for myself. I want you to become a Leading Light for yourself.
I will use all the tools in my tool box to empower you to move confidently forward and manifest a better life for yourself.
It is my higher purpose to empower people to take control of their lives and fulfill their true potential.
I have been so lucky to work with the best clients and help them achieve amazing transformations through Intuitive Psychic Readings, Advanced Hypnosis, Reiki Healing and Affirmations.

One last thing...
I hope my story has resonated with you. I share my struggles and solutions that worked for me. Please consider...
How powerful would it be if you could access your higher source for empowering guidance, healing and and reassurance as to what is best for you?
Get in touch and let's start working together.
Start to take control of your life and your direction with confidence.
Let some Leading Light
into your life to
help you get empowering guidance, reassurance and healing to move forward wtih confidence.