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Focus on WHO you want to BE rather than the STUFF you want for more powerful manifesting.

One of the keys to manifesting is understanding WHY you should focus on WHO you want to be and not on the STUFF you want.

Almost everyone in the Western world wants a nice house, a luxury car and lots of money in their bank account.

However, our obsession with STUFF is not the best thing to ask for when you are trying to manifest.

ASK yourself.....WHY do you want the stuff?

What does it make you feel?






In control











and the list can go on and on but you get the picture!

So, if you're driving a Ferrari how does it make you feel (insert feeling word here for example powerful, joyful, triumphant!)

If you've just bought your new house how does it make you feel (secure, grateful, relaxed)

If you've got a lot of money in your bank account how does it make you feel (charitable, grateful, in control)

See if you can learn to do your affirmations by FEELING how you would FEEL when you get those things. Then they manifest more quickly than just saying "I want to be rich".

It just resonates with more power.

Think about this also. If you’re a broke student and you want to be wealthy…who would you have to become? What traits would you have to have to BECOME a wealthy person.

What ACTION would you have to take to get there?

What would you have to LEARN and UPSKILL to get there?

By feeling how you would FEEL when you're wealthy (even though you're a broke student!) You are putting your attention on WHO you want to become rather than the “stuff” that you want.

You only want the stuff to give you the feeling of feeling good! What you really want is the FEELING rather than the stuff.

Analyse what FEELING you want and add it to your affirmation like the example below:

OK: I am so happy and grateful to be in my new job

BETTER: I am so happy and grateful to be excelling as a charismatic leader in my new job and am up for so much more of it.

Go write your affirmations now with some FEELING!

Please leave a comment thank you! Naomi x


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