For ages I didn't know what an affirmation was either!
Its simply a short powerful sentence that you say to yourself when you want to see some change in your life.
WHY are affirmations important?
Affirmations change the neural pathways in your brain.
They are a key to self-transformation.
They work because they replace your limiting beliefs.
They attract more of what you want in your life.
They help you become WHO you want to be.
You first need to understand that:
Your thoughts are extremely powerful.
If you think negative thoughts then you will attract negative things.
If you think positive thoughts, you will attract positive things into your life.
Thoughts that you think over and over again become BELIEFS
Beliefs can be negative:
“I suck at public speaking”.
“I’m always nervous at interviews”.
“I’m such a loser.”
“Nothing ever works out for me”.
These are called LIMITING BELIEFS.
OR beliefs can be positive
“When I use my grandma’s pie recipe it always comes out perfectly.”
“I do my best work under pressure.”
“I have to meditate every morning its the only way I can start the day.”
These are called AFFIRMATIONS.
Now you can spend time analysing your own thoughts to see which are LIMITING BELIEFS (holding you back) and which are AFFIRMATIONS (positive thoughts about you!).
The most AMAZING thing about learning about the power of your thoughts is that YOU CAN CHANGE THEM!
Do not let your thoughts own you. You can look at all your limiting beliefs and see that they are ONLY THOUGHTS.
Who controls your thoughts??? YOU DO!!! Go out today and change your thoughts!