Regular Tarot and Intuitive Tarot are two different approaches to using Tarot cards for divination and self-reflection. Here are the key differences between them:
Traditional/Regular Tarot:
Structured Interpretations: In regular Tarot, there are established meanings and interpretations for each card. These interpretations are often found in guidebooks or are part of a traditional system like the Rider-Waite Tarot.
Symbolic Imagery: Regular Tarot decks have standardized, symbolic imagery that is used to convey specific messages and insights. Readers rely on these symbols to interpret the cards.
Rule-Based: Traditional Tarot readings follow a set of rules and guidelines for card spreads, card combinations, and positional meanings within spreads.
Study and Memorization: To become proficient in regular Tarot, practitioners typically need to study and memorize the meanings of each card and understand the structured layouts and interpretations.
Intuitive Tarot:
Personal Interpretations: Intuitive Tarot encourages readers to rely on their own intuition and inner guidance to interpret the cards. This means that interpretations can vary widely from person to person.
Creativity and Flexibility: Practitioners of intuitive Tarot often interpret the cards based on their personal feelings, emotions, and the imagery in the cards. There is a greater degree of creativity and flexibility in how the cards are interpreted.
Less Structured: Intuitive Tarot readings are less structured, and there are no strict rules for how to read the cards. Readers have the freedom to develop their unique approach.
Less Emphasis on Memorization: Intuitive Tarot places less emphasis on memorizing standard card meanings and more on developing a personal connection with the cards and using them as a tool for self-reflection and intuition.
Combining Both Approaches:
Some Tarot readers choose to combine elements of both regular and intuitive Tarot. They may start with a basic understanding of the traditional meanings of the cards and then use their intuition to add depth and nuance to the readings.
This blended approach allows for a structured foundation while also incorporating personal insights and intuitive guidance.
In summary, regular Tarot relies on established meanings and structured interpretations, while intuitive Tarot encourages personal interpretation and the use of intuition. The choice between the two approaches often depends on the reader's preferences and the goals of the reading. Some may find that a blend of both approaches works best for them.
To book an Intuitive Tarot Reading with me Naomi Bennett of Leading Light Tarot OR to find out more about learning to intuitively read tarot with me click below: